September 12, 2012

witness How to well connect Your iPod Touch to a WiFi Network

Successfully connecting your Apple iPod Touch to a WiFi wireless network can be a real challenge. Many owners find the process difficult and frustrating. This is in general due to the abundant choices available for wireless standards and safety protocols that can be used for setting up and securing networks.

Why is Connecting to a WiFi Network a Challenge?

A WiFi compatible gadget does not warrant it will work with every network available. Wireless connections can be set up and configured in many separate ways. The key point to understand is that the WiFi settings on your gadget need to be compatible with the network's settings. The key standards that need to be compatible, are the communication protocol and the safety protocol. There are many to pick from given that these standards have historically evolved over many years.

The iPod Touch can only associate to WiFi networks that are based on the Ieee 802.11b or Ieee 802.11g wireless standards. If safety is also configured on the wireless network, the same safety protocol used must also be set up on the gadget to enable a derive relationship to be made successfully. The irregularity to this rule is where a WiFi network has been set up with no safety and is open to all WiFi devices. These are called "Free WiFi Hot Spots" and are offered by establishments such as McDonalds as an incentive to visit their stores.

11 simple Steps to associate Your Apple iPod Touch to a Wireless Network

Follow these simple 11 steps to speedily and actually set up your gadget to associate to a WiFi network:

  1. Turn on your iPod Touch.
  2. Press the "Home" button.
  3. Tap the "Settings" icon.
  4. Tap the "Wi-Fi" menu.
  5. Slide "Wi-Fi" to "On".
  6. Slide "Ask to Join Networks" to "On".
  7. Wait for the gadget to detect a wireless network that is in range. If it is close, you will see 3 bars of signal. If it doesn't detect it, try sliding "Wi-Fi" "Off" and "On" again.
  8. If the detected network has a "padlock" icon, then it is derive and you will need the password to connect. Tap the menu showing the detected network and enter the password. If a relationship is made successfully, then a tick mark will appear. If not, then it means the matching safety protocol was not setup on the iPod Touch for the network.
  9. If you need to convert the safety protocol tap "Other..." to go to "Other Network" page.
  10. Enter the name of the wireless network and go for the matching safety protocol used by the network. You have a selection of Wep, Wpa, Wpa2, Wpa enterprise and Wpa2 Enterprise.
  11. Enter the password for the network and then tap the blue colored "Join" button on the bottom right of the screen. If the network is successfully found and connected to, then it will appear in the list of WiFi networks with a tick.
Connecting to a free WiFi network is straight forward, however connecting to a derive home or enterprise wireless network requires some technical knowledge. You need to know which safety protocol is used with the network if it is secured, the network name (or Id) and the password to associate to it. If you didn't set up the network at home or at the office, then you will need to derive the details to log-on from the person who set it up, or seek help from the administrator of the network.

Make "Smarter" Devices that associate Automatically

As the technical standards continue to evolve and integrate for wireless networks, the challenge of connecting to a WiFi enabled network with transported devices will become a thing of the past when devices become "smarter". Such devices will be able to automatically detect any wireless approved and network configuration in the local vicinity and associate securely and seamlessly. Hopefully we will see these advances in the next generation of the iPod Touch!

Netgear Wireless Route